Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration - Day 4 Black Caucus Foundation Ball

We attended the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Inaugural Dinner and Ball. It was a much smaller event tonight. We had another great dinner and then enjoyed visiting different themed ballrooms. What a great way to end this exciting time in DC.

The Inauguration - Day 4

Iwill load more pictures when I get home! The Woman On the Move will be home on Friday!

My outfit for the day!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Inauguration - Day 3 Illinois Inaugural Gala

We started the evening with 2,000 other people at an intimate reception and dinner. The dinner was fantastic - which surprised us due to the number of people! After the dinner we joined 4,000 other people on three floors for the ball. Food every where, 6 ball rooms with different types of music and many different activities. When we were finishing with our dinner they said that the line was through the hotel and outside around the building .

Here are a few pictures of the evening. Our table. The room. Women who were at the table with us. A picture with Tammy Duckworth - Illinois National Guard Major & Iraq war Veteran. She was appointed director of the Illinois Veterans' Affairs Department. She drew a lot of attention to our table!

The Inauguration - Day 3

A warm welcome from D.C. We woke up to snow this morning but that didn't deter us from getting out and being apart of the excitement. We spent most of the day on The Mall watching people, listening to music, observing the sharp shooters on the buildings, listening to the vendors calling for shoppers, watching yesterday's events on the big screens, jumping up and down at the TV station's booth hoping to be on TV (hope you saw us), touring the American History Museum and eating lunch at the Native American Museum.

Now I am resting and will be getting ready for all first ball tonight. I will put pictures of the ball on tonight or tomorrow morning. Here are just a few from today!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Inauguration - Day 2

Greetings from cold, crowded and energictic DC! Wow! What a day we have had.

We started the day at brunch with our good friends, the Woods and the O'Briens. A Jazz Band played while we had scumptious food (I had grits - they were wonderful) and caught up on life!

Sir and I headed to The Mall to check out the action in the afternoon! The whole atmpsphere at "We Are One" was quite an amazing experience. The bands were great. The lawn was packed with people young and old. The minute Obama took the stand, you could of heard a pin drop.

Walking back to the hotel we saw so many interesting sights. Sir and I waited for over 30 minutes for the Obama's to return to Blair Street. While waiting, Sir meet Michelles hairdresser from Chicago. He was trying to get through security - out came the passports trying to prove his importance!!

Tonight we attended the Inaugural Celebration with Democratic Governors at the Corcoran Gallery of Art. We entered to a sea of music, food, drinks and people. We were able to to through the Richard Avedan Photography Exhibit. With JJ Grey and Mofro playing in the background it was fun to leisurely walk through the exhibit - his work is amazing! I saw the Governor of New Mexico, Bill RIchardson. I don't know who else I saw! There were so many people there!

We hopped a taxi home - our first of the trip - and I am here to tell you goodnight and enjoy the pictures!